
Showing posts with the label homosexuality

Books sorted (theology 7)

Christ the Life of the Soul by Columbia Marmion Ugly as Sin by Michael Rose    Not by Faith Alone by Robert Sungenis  Community and Growth by Jean Vanier  The Church: Icon of the Trinity by Bruno Forte  Sign of Her Heart by John Haffert  Homosexuality and the Catholic Church by John Harvey  Marriage is for Keeps by John Kipley  Fundamentals of the Faith by Peter Kreeft  Heaven by Peter Kreeft  Christianity in a Secularized World by Wolfhart Pannenberg

Books sorted (history 3)

The Unintended Reformation by Brad Gregory Salvation at Stake by Brad Gregory A History of German Literature by J. G. Robertson Shadow in the Land by Dannemeyer The Story of American Catholicism 1 by Theodore Maynard   From Beirut to Jerusalem by Thomas Friedman 

Opinion 2/19/16 (Philippines, LGBT, homosexuality, Pacquiao, education, public health, sanitation)

Philippine Star As the LGBTs vehemently attacked him and committed to campaign against him, Pacquiao seemed to have acquired more and more admirers   (voters) as he stood his ground  and remained firm on his belief after clarifying what he said and apologizing. Other candidates for senator must really be coveting at his good fortune of catching  public attention and generating more votes without spending a single centavo while they spent millions of pesos for their political ads.  The LGBTs should therefore stop their ranting and ravings as they only help the subject of their ire. Indeed there is no point at all in relentlessly attacking  Pacquiao.  [full text] Sun.Star Cebu's  Carvajal If leaders honestly want to fight poverty, providing the poor with essential empowering qualities to help themselves, namely, good health (of which clean drinking  water and sanitary toilets are basic) and good education (values formation and skills trainin...

Library booklist (L:bLfR)

Catholicism, Protestantism, and Capitalism by Amintore Fanfani The Church: Icon of the Trinity by Bruno Forte  Spiritual Writings by Romano Guardini Sign of Her Heart by John Haffert  Homosexuality and the Catholic Church by John Harvey  Jesus, the New Elijah by Paul Hinnebusch  Marriage is for Keeps by John Kipley  Fundamentals of the Faith by Peter Kreeft  Heaven by Peter Kreeft  Listen My Son by Dwight Longenecker  The Path to Rome by Dwight Longenecker  St. Benedict and St. Therese by Dwight Longenecker