
Showing posts with the label religion

#gabitaykoRefEd (Jürgen Habermas)

The expression "postsecular" does more than give public recognition to religious fellowships in view of the functional contribution they make to the reproduction of motivations and attitudes that are societally desirable. The public awareness of a post-secular society also reflects a normative insight that has consequences for the political dealings of unbelieving citizens with believing citizens. In the postsecular society, there is an increasing consensus that certain phases of the "modernization of the public consciousness" involve the assimilation and the reflexive transformation of both religious and secular mentalities. If both sides agree to understand the secularization of society as a complementary learning process, then they will also have cognitive reasons to take seriously each other's contributions to controversial subjects in the public debate. —Jürgen Habermas

Here and Now with Francis 4/21/16 (Christ, mercy, humility, forgiveness, sin, religion)

Therefore, by entering in relation with the sinful woman, Jesus puts an end to that condition of isolation to which the merciless judgment of the Pharisee and of his fellow citizens, who insulted her, condemned her From the general audience The Pharisee cannot conceive that Jesus lets Himself be “contaminated” by sinners, that is how they thought. He thought that if was really a prophet, He should recognize them and keep them at a distance, so as not to be stained, as if they were lepers.  This attitude is typical of a certain way of understanding religion, and it is motivated by the fact that God and sin are radically opposed. However, the Word of God teaches how to distinguish between sin and the sinner: one must not descend to compromises with sin, while sinners – that is, all of us! – are like the sick that are cured, and to cure them the doctor must come close to them, visit and touch them. And, of course, to be cured, the sick person must admit that he is in need of a ...

Books sorted (society 5)

An American Emmaus by Regis Duffy  The Next Pope by Peter Hebblethwaite  God-Talk in America by Phyllis Tickle  The End of Ideology by Daniel Bell  The Image Or What Happened to the American Dream by Daniel Boorstin  Harvard Diary II by Robert Coles  The Virtue of Prosperity by Dinesh D'Souza

Books sorted (society 3)

  The Dignity of Difference by Jonathan Sacks The World We Build Together by Jonathan Sacks  Who Are We? by Jean Bethke Elshtain   The Right to Be Wrong by Kevin Hasson   Man in the Struggle for Peace by Charles Malik Racism 101 by Nikki Giovanni   That Time of Year: Best of Ian Hunter Remembrance of the Future by Michael O'Brien The Secular City by Harvey Cox 

Books sorted (society 2)

Holidays in Hell by P. J. O'Rourke The Numerati by Stephen Baker   The China Price by Alexandra Harney   The Meaning of Recognition by Clive James The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch Bad Religion by Ross Douthat The Servile State by Hilaire Belloc Religions for Peace by Francis Arinze

Books sorted (psychology 2)

Christian Life Patterns by Evelyn Whitehead   The Sacred Canopy by Peter Berger The Social Construction of Reality by Peter Berger  The Informed Heart by Bruno Bettelheim  A Different Existence by van den Berg Games People Play by Eric Berne  The Sociology of Mental Disorders by William Eaton  New Ways in Psychoanalysis by Karen Horney  The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James  On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Books sorted (psychology and religion: Benedict Groeschel and Conrad Baars)

Psychic Wholeness and Healing by Anna Terruwe and Conrad Baars Born Only Once by Conrad Baars  Healing the Unaffirmed by Conrad Baars  Doctor of the Heart by Conrad Baars Stumbling Blocks, Stepping Stones by Benedict Groeschel Arise from Darkness by Benedict Groeschel   Listening at Prayer by Benedict Groeschel  The Courage to Be Chaste by Benedict Groeschel  Spiritual Passages by Benedict Groeschel

Here and Now with Francis 2/1/16 (Jesus, Mary, faith, mercy, temptation, religion, privilege)

Turn from a god of miracles to the miracle of God, which is Jesus Christ. From the angelus address This account of the Evangelist Luke is not simply the story of a fight within a community, like can sometimes happen in our neighborhoods, caused by envy and jealousies. Rather it brings to light a temptation that a religious person is always vulnerable to — all of us are vulnerable to it — and which we must decidedly avoid. What is this temptation? It is the temptation to think of religion as a human investment and consequently, to begin to “negotiate” with God, seeking our own interests. Instead, the true religion is about receiving the revelation of a God who is Father and who is concerned with each one of his creatures, also with the smallest and most significant in the eyes of man. [...] N o human condition can be a motive for exclusion — no human condition can be a motive for exclusion — from the heart of the Father, and that the only privilege in the eyes of God is that of n...

Books sorted (by/on Luigi Giussani)

The Religious Sense by Luigi Giussani At the Origin of the Christian Claim by Luigi Giussani Why the Church? by Luigi Giussani The Risk of Education by Luigi Giussani Generating Traces in the History of the World by Luigi Giussani The Journey to Truth Is an Experience by Luigi Giussani A  Generative Thought: Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani ed. Elisa Buzzi Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 1 by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 2, Hope by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 3, Charity by Luigi Giussani The Work of the Movement: The Fraternity of Communion and Liberation