To turn to the fundamentals, to rediscover what is essential, through what one touches and sees in the celebration of the Sacraments. To rediscover, together with you, the beauty that is hidden in the Eucharistic Celebration and that, once revealed, gives full meaning to each one’s life. The Eucharist is a wonderful event in which Jesus Christ, our life, makes Himself present. The Lord is present there with us. We go there so often, we look at things, we chat among ourselves while the priest is celebrating the Eucharist . . . and we don’t celebrate close to Him. But it’s the Lord! If the President of the Republic came here today or a very important person of the world, it’s certain that we would all be close to him, that we would want to greet him. But think: when you go to Mass, the Lord is there! And you are distracted. It’s the Lord! We must give thought to this. “Father, it’s because the Masses are boring” – “But, what are you saying, that the Lord is boring?”...