
Showing posts from February, 2020

Here and Now with Francis: 2/20/20 (beatitude, meekness, inheritance)

From the audience “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5) There is no land more beautiful than the heart of others; there is not territory more beautiful to gain than peace found again with a brother. Meekness is manifested in moments of conflict, seen is how one reacts to a hostile situation. Anyone can sow meekness when all is calm, but how does one react “under pressure,” if attacked, offended, assaulted? In Scripture the word “meek” also indicates one who does not have earthly property; therefore, we are struck by the fact that the third Beatitude says, in fact, that the meek “shall inherit the earth.” So, the meek is he who “inherits” the most sublime of territories. He isn’t a coward, a “weak” person who finds an expedient morality to remain outside of problems. Quite the contrary!  Here we must make reference to the sin of anger, a violent motion, whose impulse we all know. Who hasn’t been angry sometime? All. We must reverse the...

In Memoriam: Roger Scruton

Gentle Regrets by Roger Scruton Sexual Desire Roger Scruton