
Showing posts from September, 2020

Free Book. "The Radiance in Your Eyes: What Saves Us From Nothingness?"

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INTO the Pandemic: Here and Now with Francis, 9/17/20 (pandemic, contemplation)

  From the general audience Taking care of those who are sick, of those who are in need, of those who are cast aside: this is a human, and also Christian, wealth. To emerge from a pandemic. . . Contemplation, which leads us to an attitude of care, is not a question of looking at nature from the outside, as if we were not immersed in it. But we are inside nature, we are part of nature. Rather, it is done from within, recognizing us as part of creation, making us protagonists and not mere spectators of an amorphous reality that is only to be exploited. Those who contemplate in this way experience wonder not only at what they see but also because they feel they are an integral part of this beauty; and they also feel called to guard it and to protect it. And there is one thing we must not forget: those who cannot contemplate nature and creation, cannot contemplate people in their true wealth. And those who live to exploit nature end up exploiting people and treating them like slaves. T...