"What surprise me, says God, is hope." (C. Peguy)

"A person who is poor in spirit has nothing except one thing for which and by which he is made: endless aspiration. This is openness and willingness: boundless expectation. It is not boundless because the heap of things one expects is endless. No, he does not expect anything, but lives a boundless openness, and he does not expect anything! […] It’s as if in that meadow, we imagined a person who is poor in spirit, and we would have to imagine him sitting there with his legs spread, his face up, looking at the sky, the earth, the mountains, and everything, with this total dilation of his heart without any set image in mind: ‘Well, I would like a roof, a home, a wife, children, money.’ Nothing, there is nothing! This is the original nature of the human person, and in fact the original nature of the human person is expectation of the infinite." Those who live the encounter with Christ have discovered the future good, which in any case remains a mystery, because in no way can we d...