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Opinion 12/7/15 (Philippines, presidential elections, literacy, AIDS, donations, Comelec)

Inquirer  on Filipinos and literacy Only one in four adult Filipinos is considered financially literate, or understands basic concepts such as interest rate, inflation, savings and debt. This fact  highlights the difficult task of both the government and the private sector in expanding public access to financial services. [...]  According to a survey done by international credit watchdog Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, two-thirds of adults globally are financially illiterate, with only  one in three, or 31 percent, showing an understanding of basic financial concepts. [...]  Among the Southeast Asian countries included in the survey, Singapore has the highest financial literacy rate at 59 percent, and Cambodia the lowest at 18 percent.   Vietnam is the only other economy to score lower than the Philippines at 24 percent. [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  on HIV/AIDS Despite the clash of policies and strategies, stakeholders must focus on a s...