
Showing posts with the label Alexander Men

Books sorted (biography 1)

Pulitzer: A Life in Politics, Print, and Power by James McGrath Morris Anthony Powell by Neil Brennan John Courtney Murray: Theologian in Conflict by Donald Pelotte   Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas Vladimir Soloviev: Russian Mystic by Paul Allen Alexander Men: A Witness by Yves Hamant  Parish Priest by Douglas Brinkley 

Library Booklist (L:aSuf2)

Flannery by Brad Gooch An Unexpected Light: Travels in Afghanistan by Jason Elliot   From Baghdad to Brooklyn by Jack Marshall  Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood by Ibtisam Barakat  Alexander Men: A Witness by Yves Hamant  Parish Priest by Douglas Brinkley  The Diary of Samuel Pepys  Musical Memories by Camille Saint-Saens  The Incompleat Folksinger by Pete Seeger