
Showing posts with the label Annie Dillard

Library booklist (H:bN1)

The New York Trilogy Paul Auster Louisa May Alcott Susan Cheever The Doctors Mayo Helen Clapesattle The Drama of Atheist Humanism Henri de Lubac The Paradoxes of the Faith Henri de Lubac The Motherhood of the Church Henri de Lubac An American Childhood Annie Dillard Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser A History of Religious Ideas 1 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 2 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 3 Mircea Eliade The Myth of the Eternal Return Mircea Eliade Ordeal by Labyrinth Mircea Eliade Myth and Reality Mircea Eliade Imagination and Meaning Mircea Eliade Handel's Messiah and His English Oratories Ben Finane Hiroshima John Hersey Washington Square Henry James

Back Matter (afterword) Annie Dillard

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek  by Annie Dillard Afterword In October, 1972, camping in Acadia National Park on the Maine coast , I read a nature book. I had very much admired this writer’s previous book. The new book was tired. Everything in it was the dear old familiar this and the dear old familiar that. God save us from meditations. What on earth had happened to this man? Decades had happened, that was all. Exhaustedly, he wondered how fireflies made their light. I knew—at least I happened to know—that two enzymes called luciferin and luciferase combined to make the light. It seemed that if the writer did not know, he should have learned. Perhaps, I thought that night reading in the tent, I might write about the world before I got tired of it. I had recently read Colette’s Break of Day , a book about her daily life that shocked young metaphysical me by its frivolity: lots of pretty meals and roguish conversations. Still, I read it all; its vivid foreignness intrig...

Books sorted (Jane Austen and Annie Dillard)

L:aLB5, L:oLB3, H:aGKC, H:aStb2, H:hStb, H:aStb Lady Susan/The Watsons Sanditon by Jane Austen  Jane Austen and Religion by William Jarvis  Persuasion by Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen Jane Austen by Peter Leithart Persuasion by Jane Austen   Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen H:jB1, H:aS2b The Maytrees by Annie Dillard  Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, An American Childhood, The Writing Life by Annie Dillard  Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard