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Opinion 12/10/15 (Philippines, elections, climate, police, Cebu, BBL, Maguindanao)

Inquirer  on climate conference in Paris Developments in the negotiations [of the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21)], now down to the last two days of an exhausting fortnight, may still prevent the “Draft  Paris Outcome” from taking off. Perhaps countries like Saudi Arabia may balk if full decarbonization is adopted as an objective; perhaps energy-hungry economies like  India or China may resist strong language about limiting the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. [...]  The sluggish pace of negotiations over the language of the draft agreement and its implementing decision prompted the French hosts—under the UN system, the hosts  serve as president of the conference and enjoy a wide latitude for initiative—to fast-track the talks, at the same time preserving the openness of the process which  the French presidency put in place.  [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  on the new Cebu police director Chief...