
Showing posts with the label Bertrand Russell

Books sorted (philosophy 6)

By Reason Alone by Bacz Jakez   The Puritan Smile by Robert Neville This Mortal Flesh by Brent Waters The ABC of Relativity by Bertrand Russell  Catholicism, Protestantism, and Capitalism by Amintore Fanfani Can Ethics Be Christian? by James Gustafson    The Girard Reader Anthropology as an Aid to Moral Science by Antonio Rosmini 

Library booklist (L:bLB4)

Philosophical Fragments by Soren Kierkegaard The Concept of Dread by Soren Kierkegaard  Either/Or 1 by Soren Kierkegaard  Ethics and Infinity by Emmanuel Levinas  Hooked on Philosophy by Robert O'Donnell  The Last Days of Socrates by Plato  Speech and Reality by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy The ABC of Relativity by Bertrand Russell  Reverence for Life by Albert Schweitzer  Athens and Jerusalem by Lev Shestov  50 Questions on the Natural Law by Charles Rice