
Showing posts with the label Carlyle

Books sorted (literary criticism and humanities- 2)

An Intellectual Study: Irving Babbit by Thomas Nevin In Praise of Wisdom by Kim Paffenroth Stephen Langton by Maurice Powicke James Joyce's Ulysess by Stuart Gilbert Poems and Critics by Christopher Ricks     Hired Pens by Ronald Weber Hawthorne's Fuller Mystery by Thomas Mitchell Concerning E. M. Forster by Frank Kermode Vectors and Smoothable Curves by William Bronk The Paris Review 103  Carlyle's Essay on Burns  

Library Booklist (H:lB1)

The Orchard by Drusilla Modjeska Paradise by Toni Morrison   Three Dublin Plays by Sean O'Casey  Parting the Curtains by Dannye Powell Other Flowers: Uncollected Poems by James Schuyler  Satan in Goray by Isaac Bashevis Singer  Meshugah by Isaac Bashevis Singer  v An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor  Rabbit is Rich  by John Updike The Magician's Beautiful Assistant and Other Stories by Rachel Wyatt The Paris Review 103  Carlyle's Essay on Burns