
Showing posts with the label Dannye Powell

Books sorted (letters, correspondences, interviews - 2)

The Letters of James and Alix Strachey 1924-1925 ed Perry Meisel and Walter Kendrick Dear Theo: the Autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh by Irving Stone The Journals of Sylvia Plath Words in Air: Correspondence by Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell Letters from Freedom by Adam Michnik Parting the Curtains by Dannye Powell Cosima Wagner's Diaries 

Library Booklist (H:lB1)

The Orchard by Drusilla Modjeska Paradise by Toni Morrison   Three Dublin Plays by Sean O'Casey  Parting the Curtains by Dannye Powell Other Flowers: Uncollected Poems by James Schuyler  Satan in Goray by Isaac Bashevis Singer  Meshugah by Isaac Bashevis Singer  v An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor  Rabbit is Rich  by John Updike The Magician's Beautiful Assistant and Other Stories by Rachel Wyatt The Paris Review 103  Carlyle's Essay on Burns