
Showing posts with the label David

Here and Now with Francis 2/2/16 (humility, humiliation, gossip, David, prophecy, consecrated life, hope, Christ)

From the homily The only way to humility is through humiliation. David’s destiny, which is holiness, comes through humiliation. The destiny of that holiness which God gives to his children, gives to the Church, comes through the humiliation of his Son, who allows himself to be insulted, who allows himself to be placed on the cross - unjustly ... And this Son of God who humbles himself, this is the way of holiness. And David, through his behavior,  prophesizes  this humiliation of Jesus. Let us ask the Lord for the grace of humility for each of us, for the whole Church - but also for the grace to understand that humility cannot be achieved without humiliation.   [full text] From an address to consecrated people Prophecy is to tell people that there is a way of happiness, of grandeur, a way that fills one with joy, which is precisely the way of Jesus. It is the way of being  close to Jesus. It is a gift; prophecy is a charism and it must be asked of the Holy Sp...