
Showing posts with the label Fulton Sheen

Books sorted (theology 8)

Jesus, Peter, and the Keys by Scott Butler  The Kiss from the Cross by Ronda Chervin Life Everlasting by Reginald Garrigou LaGrange  Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen  The Bible in Modern Culture by Walter Sundberg  The Immaculate Conception by William Ullathorne  The Devil by Gerald Vann  The Five Wounds of the Church by Antonio Rosmini  Design for a Just Society by James Alberione The Last Things by James Alberione Christ's Appeal for Love by Josefa Menendez

Books sorted (theology 6)

The Church at the End of the 20th Century by Francis Schaeffer Celebrating the Eucharist by L. Alonso Schokel Theology and Sanity by Frank Sheed Peace of Soul by Fulton Sheen A Practical Guide to Ecumenism by John Sheerin The Bible and the Mass by Peter Stravinskas The Church, Community of Salvation by George Tavard God, the Father of Mercy Jesus Christ, Word of the Father The Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life Eucharist, Gift of Divine Life The New World Dictionary-Concordance NAB Economic Justice for All With Us Today by John Hardon 

Library booklist (L:dLfR)

What Went Wrong With Vatican II by Ralph McInerny The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen  Does Catholicism Still Exist? by James Schall  Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen  The Bible in Modern Culture by Walter Sundberg  The Immaculate Conception by William Ullathorne  The Devil by Gerald Vann 

Library booklist (L:iLB4)

Theology and Action by Charles Pinches The Matrix of Faith by Jeffrey Pugh Patrology Vol II by Johannes Quasten The Breath of Love by Michel Quoist The Church at the End of the 20th Century by Francis Schaeffer Celebrating the Eucharist by L. Alonso Schokel Theology and Sanity by Frank Sheed Peace of Soul by Fulton Sheen A Practical Guide to Ecumenism by John Sheerin