
Showing posts with the label George Maloney

Books sorted (theology 5)

Scripture, the Soul of Theology by Joseph Fitzmyer The Angels by Maria Pia Giudici An Existential Approach to Theology by G. M. Jansen The Range of Faith by Tony Kelly God is a New Language by Sebastian Moore Catholics and the New Age by Mitch Pacwa The Spirit Broods Over the World by George Maloney Theology and Action by Charles Pinches The Matrix of Faith by Jeffrey Pugh Patrology Vol II by Johannes Quasten

Books sorted (growth and maturity 5)

Listen My Son by Dwight Longenecker  The Path to Rome by Dwight Longenecker  St. Benedict and St. Therese by Dwight Longenecker    The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome by James Likoudis The Splendor in the Ordinary by Thomas Howard  The Mystery of Christ in You by George Maloney  A Practical Guide to Spiritual Reading by Susan Muto 

Library booklist (L:eLfR)

The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome by James Likoudis Darkness in the Marketplace by Thomas Green  The Life in Christ by Nicolas Cabasilas  The Five Wounds of the Church by Antonio Rosmini  The Splendor in the Ordinary by Thomas Howard  The Mystery of Christ in You by George Maloney  Listening at Prayer by Benedict Groeschel 

Library booklist (L:hLB4)

True Devotion to the Holy Spirit by Luis Martinez Christ's Appeal for Love by Josefa Menendez God is a New Language by Sebastian Moore Catholics and the New Age by Mitch Pacwa Filipino Cultural Values for the Apostolate by Wilfredo Paguio Our Lady in Catholic Life by Lawrence Lovasik Surprised by Truth by Patrick Madrid The Spirit Broods Over the World by George Maloney Blessed are the Barren by Robert Marshall