
Showing posts with the label Hans Urs von Balthasar

Advent Sunday II, 2023

  But “the Lord does not delay in keeping his promise.” He is on his way, constantly, and, like a fisherman, he hauls the giant net of world history to shore. Viewed from within the world, whether the world’s end will be catastrophic disturbs neither God’s plan nor the Christian’s confidence. Christians simply need to strive to be “unblemished” and “to be at peace in his sight” at the homecoming. This peace prepares the way for Advent.  (Hans Urs von Balthasar,  Light of the Word: Brief Reflections on the Sunday Readings)

Palm Sunday: Reflection by Hans Urs von Balthasar

from: Balthasar, Hans Urs von.  Light of the World: Brief Reflections on the Sunday Readings . San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993.

Front Matter (Preface) Theo-Drama III. Dramatis Personae: Persons in Christ by Hans Urs von Balthasar


Books sorted (by/on Hans Urs von Balthasar)

L:dLB2, L:aLB1, H:gS3f, H:hS3f, H:gS3b, L;dLB4 Theodrama III: Dramatis Personae Hans Urs von Balthasar  The Glory of the Lord III: Lay Styles Hans Urs von Balthasar  The Glory of the Lord III: Clerical Styles Hans Urs von Balthasar  Theo-logic II: Truth of God Hans Urs von Balthasar  Word and Silence by Raymond Gawronski Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theological Aesthetics: A Model for Post-Critical Biblical Interpretation by W. T. Dickens   Hans Urs von Balthasar: His Life and Work ed David L. Schindler A Theology of History by Hans Urs von Balthasar Engagement with God by Hans Urs von Balthasar In the Fullness of Faith by Hans Urs von Balthasar Love Alone is Credible by Hans Urs von Balthasar Mysterium Paschale by Hans Urs von Balthasar Prayer by Hans Urs von Balthasar Test Everything, Hold Fast to What Is Good by Hans Urs von Bal...

Library booklist (H:bR)

A Certainty for Existence Emanuela Belloni The Discovery of God Henri de Lubac  Being Holy in the World Nicholas Healy Gift and the Unity of Being Antonio Lopez  Parochial and Plain Sermons John Henry Newman  Men and Saints Charles Peguy  The Ratzinger Report Joseph Ratzinger  Physics, Philosophy and Theology Robert Russell  Time in Eternity Robert Russell  The Eucharist Alexander Schmemann   Theodrama III: Dramatis Personae Hans Urs von Balthasar  The Glory of the Lord III: Lay Styles Hans Urs von Balthasar  The Glory of the Lord III: Clerical Styles Hans Urs von Balthasar  Theo-logic II: Truth of God Hans Urs von Balthasar  Virtue Reborn N. T. Wright