
Showing posts with the label Helen Bacovcin

Books sorted (growth and maturity 4)

Finding the Mystic Within You by Peggy Wilkinson   Pardon and Peace by Alfred Wilson Treasury of Women Saints by Ronda Chervin Great Saints, Great Friends by Ronda Chervin Maturing the Spirit by Dominic Hoffman Common Bushes Afire with God by Kieran Kay Our Lady in Catholic Life by Lawrence Lovasik The Way of a Pilgrim by Helen Bacovcin Jesus Rediscovered by Malcolm Muggerdige  The Wisdom of the Saints by Adels

Library booklist (L:dLB5)

The Way of a Pilgrim by Helen Bacovcin Creation and Fall by Dietrich Bonhoeffer    The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest by John Gerard  Opening to God by Thomas Green  Children First and Always by Derek and Gillian Mercer  Jesus Rediscovered by Malcolm Muggerdige  Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen