
Showing posts with the label James Howard Kunstler

Books sorted (society 1)

Look Homeward, America by Bill Kauffman Acquainted with Grief by Thomas Alan Harvey Appetite for Self-Destruction by Steve Knopper   The Geography of Nowhere by James Howard Kunstler The Nudist on the Late Shift by Po Bronson Benjamin Franklin: Way to Wealth edited by Walter Isaacson The Feminization of American Culture by Ann Douglas Toward A History of Needs by Ivan Ilich The Faith of a Heretic by Walter Kaufmann   Against Happiness by Eric Wilson   The Missionary and the Libertine by Ian Buruma

Library Booklist (H:cS1b)

The Alps by Andrew Beattie The Soul of New Machine by Tracy Kidder  The Geography of Nowhere by James Howard Kunstler The Atomic Bazaar by William Langewiesche