
Showing posts with the label Jean Vanier

Video: Rimini Meeting 2016, "I'm Very Happy to Live with You": Disability as a Resource

In collaboration with CEC (The Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture). Participants: Mary O’Callaghan, Public Policy Fellows at the Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame, USA; Orlando Carter Snead, Director of the Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame, USA. On occasion of the conference, screening of a video-interview with Jean Vanier, Founder of the Community L’Arche. Introduced by Maurizio Vitali, Journalist.

"From the Home that Pope Francis Visited"

From America magazine   L'arche's story in the library:

Books sorted (theology 7)

Christ the Life of the Soul by Columbia Marmion Ugly as Sin by Michael Rose    Not by Faith Alone by Robert Sungenis  Community and Growth by Jean Vanier  The Church: Icon of the Trinity by Bruno Forte  Sign of Her Heart by John Haffert  Homosexuality and the Catholic Church by John Harvey  Marriage is for Keeps by John Kipley  Fundamentals of the Faith by Peter Kreeft  Heaven by Peter Kreeft  Christianity in a Secularized World by Wolfhart Pannenberg

Library booklist (L:aLfR)

The Wisdom of the Saints by Adels Preparing Yourself for Mass by Romano Guardini  With Us Today by John Hardon  Christ the Life of the Soul by Columbia Marmion Bonds of Imperfection by Oliver O'Donovan  Ugly as Sin by Michael Rose    Not by Faith Alone by Robert Sungenis  Community and Growth by Jean Vanier  Quality with Soul by Robert Benne  Return to Reason by Kelly James Clark