
Showing posts with the label John Gerard

Books sorted (autobiography, memoirs 2)

Confessions by Augustine  The Life of Teresa of Jesus   The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams An Unexpected Light: Travels in Afghanistan by Jason Elliot     From Baghdad to Brooklyn by Jack Marshall  Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood by Ibtisam Barakat  Markings by Dag Hammarskjold   An Autobiography by James Galway  Journal of a Soul by John XXIII  Travels  with a Hungry Bear by Mark Kramer The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest by John Gerard 

Library booklist (L:dLB5)

The Way of a Pilgrim by Helen Bacovcin Creation and Fall by Dietrich Bonhoeffer    The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest by John Gerard  Opening to God by Thomas Green  Children First and Always by Derek and Gillian Mercer  Jesus Rediscovered by Malcolm Muggerdige  Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen