
Showing posts with the label John the Baptist

Here and Now with Francis: 2/12/19 (John the Baptist, love)

From a homily Pope Francis described hatred as “Satan’s breath”, saying it is very powerful, capable of doing everything excepting loving. “Life,” the Pope explained, “has value only in giving it, in giving it in love, in truth, in giving it to others, in daily life, in the family.” If someone preserves life for himself, guards it like the king in his corruption or the woman with her hatred, or the daughter with her vanity, a little like an adolescent, unknowingly, life dies and withers, becoming useless. The Pope concluded urging all to think about the 4 characters in the Gospel and to open our hearts so that the Lord may speak to us about this.   [link]

Book of the Moment

The Friend and the Bridegroom by Sergius Bulgakov

Here and Now with Francis 2/6/16 (John the Baptist, humility, martyrdom, witness, merit, Jesus)

Our life [that] might always be a place that Christ might grow greater, and we might come down, even to the very end . From the homily “John the Baptist, ‘the greatest man born of a woman’ – so says the formula for the canonization of John. But this formula was used not of a Pope, or even of Jesus. That man is the greatest man born of a woman: The greatest saint: Thus Jesus canonized him. [...]  “To diminish, diminish, diminish.” That “was the life of John,” Pope Francis repeated. “A great man who did not seek his own glory, but the glory of God”; a man who died in such a prosaic manner, in anonymity. But with this attitude, the Pope concluded, John “prepared the way for Jesus,’ who, in a similar manner, “died in agony, alone, without the disciples’: [...]  Reading this passage, seeing how God triumphs: the style of God is not the style of man. Asking the Lord for the grace of humility that John had, and not leaning on our own merits or the glory of others. And above a...

Library Booklist (H:dS1b)

The Friend and the Bridegroom by Sergius Bulgakov What the Heavens Declare by Lydia Jaeger   Science and Creation by Stanley Jaki   Newman to Converts by Stanley Jaki The Road to Science and the Ways to God by Stanley Jaki Paul Ricoeur and Narrative by Morny Joy  Personal Knowledge by Michael Polanyi  Oneself as Another by Paul Ricoeur  The Course of Recognition by Paul Ricoeur