
Showing posts with the label Johnson

Library Booklist GKC1

What Every Woman Knows James Barrie A Choice of Christina Rossetti's Verse  Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead Anne Morrow Lindbergh  The Normal Child and Some of His Abnormalities C. W. Valentine  Restless Pilgrim: Spiritual Journey of Bob Dylan Scott Marshall  Without Feathers, Getting Even, Side Effects Woody Allen By What Authority Robert Hugh Benson  The Way of the Bull Leo Buscaglia The New Jerusalem G. K. Chesterton  The Monk's Tale Kathleen Hughes  Great Choral Works Nicholas Kenyon  Charming Billy Alice McDermott An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine John Henry Newman  Housekeeping Marilynne Robinson Home Witold  Rybczynski  The Globalization Myth Alan Shipman The Stories of Muriel Spark Vasilii Rozanov and the Creation Adam Ure   Ursa Major: A Study of Dr. John...

Books sorted (biography 4)

The Memory of All That: Life of George Gershwin by Joan Peyser  Cecilia Bartoli: The Passion of Song by Kim Chernin Bruckner and Mahler Wagner: His Life and Music by Stephen Johnson  The Glorious Ones: Classical Music Legendary Player by Harold Schonberg Rossini by Gaia Servadio Dylan Thomas: A New Life by Andrew Lycett