
Showing posts with the label Josemaria Escriva

Meaning of Work (1)

Professional work, whatever it is, becomes a lamp to enlighten your colleagues and friends. That is why I usually tell those who become members of Opus Dei, and the same applies to all of you now listening to me: ‘What use is it telling me that so and so is a good son of mine — a good Christian — but a bad shoemaker?’ If he doesn’t try to learn his trade well, or doesn’t give his full attention to it, he won’t be able to sanctify it or offer it to Our Lord. The sanctification of ordinary work is, as it were, the hinge of true spirituality for people who, like us, have decided to come close to God while being at the same time fully involved in temporal affairs. (Josemaria Escriva)

Books sorted (life, vocation, love, prayer 2)

Turning by Emilie Griffin  Directions for Communication by Willi Lambert  A Marian Retreat by Bernard Lefrois   Listening With the Heart by Taize The Way, Furrow, Forge by Josemaria Escriva Men of God: Men for Others by Peter Kolvenbach Surprised by Truth by Patrick Madrid The Breath of Love by Michel Quoist

Library booklist (L:eLB4)

Treasury of Women Saints by Ronda Chervin Great Saints, Great Friends by Ronda Chervin Inquiring Faith by Tadeusz Dajczer The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ by Alphonsus De Liguori Preparation for Death by Alphonsus de Liguori The Secret of Rosary by Louis de Montfort The Graced Horizon by Stephen Duffy Models of the Church by Avery Dulles Church and Social Communication by Franz-Josef Eilers The Way, Furrow, Forge by Josemaria Escriva