
Showing posts with the label Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)

Front Matter (preface) Introduction to Christianity by Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)

Introduction to Christianity by Joseph Ratzinger Preface Since this work was first published, more than thirty years have passed, in which world history has moved along at a brisk pace. In retrospect, two years seem to be particularly important milestones in the final decades of the millennium that has just come to an end: 1968 and 1989. The year 1968 marked the rebellion of a new generation, which not only considered post-war reconstruction in Europe as inadequate, full of injustice, full of selfishness and greed, but also viewed the entire course of history since the triumph of Christianity as a mistake and a failure. These young people wanted to improve things at last, to bring about freedom, equality, and justice, and they were convinced that they had found the way to this better world in the mainstream of Marxist thought. The year 1989 brought the surprising collapse of the socialist regimes in Europe, which left behind a sorry legacy of ruined land and ruined souls. Any...

Books sorted (Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI)

L:cLBg, L:aLBg, L:bLB1, H:eS2f, H:gS3b, H:fS3f, L:aLB1, L:cLB1, L:dLB1, L:fSub Milestones Memoirs 1927-1977 by Joseph Ratzinger Journey Towards Easter by Joseph Ratzinger Church, Ecumenism, and Politics by Joseph Ratzinger Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures by Joseph Ratzinger       God Is Near Us by Joseph Ratzinger   To Look on Christ by Joseph Ratzinger   Many Religions - One Covenant by Joseph Ratzinger The Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Ratzinger   The Word Made Love: The Dialogical Theology of Joseph Ratzinger by Christopher S. Collins Introduction to Christianity -by Joseph Ratzinger Truth and Tolerance by Joseph Ratzinger The Dialectics of Secularization by Joseph Ratzinger and Jurgen Habermas Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life by Joseph Ratzinger Benedict of Bavaria by Brennan Pursell...