
Showing posts with the label Julian Carron

Free Book. "The Radiance in Your Eyes: What Saves Us From Nothingness?"

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Health on Top; Life Is More. Two Videos for Encouragement

In Search of a Human Face A Festival of Humanity

Free Book by Julian Carron "Reflections in a Dizzying Time"

from : COVID-19 has become a shared experience. Everyone, in one way or another, is trying to see how he measures up to this unexpected event that has burst into our daily lives, imposing drastic changes in lifestyle and awakening pressing questions we cannot ignore. What kind of answers are adequate to such a situation? Available in PDF and ePUB format.

Priest and COVID-19

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Message from Julian Carron for World Youth Day 2016

Going to WYD, do not be in a rush to find an answer to your questions: hurriedness is the sign of the uncertainty that pushes us to want to grab something right away...concern yourselves with making the journey.

Source of Our Certainty

"He had pity on me, the one who was so forgetful and petty. If our life is normal, with what we’ve had, it is difficult to be able to find particular sins during the day, but the sin is the sin of pettiness of distraction and forgetfulness. The sin is the pettiness of not translating what we do into something new, not making it shine like the new dawn. Instead, we leave it opaque, we leave it as it is, without striking anyone, yet without giving it over to the splendor of Being.” This then is the source of our certainty: “He had pity on me and on my nothingness and He chose me. He chose me because He had pity on me. He chose me because He was moved by my pettiness! What marks the devotion with which the Mystery—the supreme Mystery and the Mystery of this man who is Christ, God made man—what marks the Mystery’s devotion to us, the devotion with which the Mystery creates the world and forgives man’s pettiness, and forgives him while embracing him, embracing him who is petty, disg...

The Road is Beautiful for Those Who Walk

Pilgrimage from Macerata to Loreto is the 38th Macerata-Loreto Pilgrimage on foot. The near-17.5 mile (28 kilometer) pilgrimage is made on foot and at night, concluding at the Shrine of Loreto where the Holy House is. “I have awaited you day and night” Dear friends, Going toward Loreto, you will more easily discover the bottomless depths of your need if you keep before your eyes the witness the Lord has given us to make a human journey today: Pope Francis. Who could have imagined his way of answering the problems of the world and the urgent needs of life? A Jubilee Year of Mercy. “Yes, humanly speaking, it is foolish, but ‘the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men’ (I Cor 1:25).” Let us learn this outlook from the Pope. “That which delights and attracts, that which humbles and overcomes, that which opens and unleashes, is not the power of instruments or the force of law, but rather the omnipotent weakness of divine love, which...

Only Mercy is the True Reaction to Evil

Letter of Julian Carron in  Corriere della Sera after the terrorist attacks in Brussels

An Original Presence (Notes from a meeting with Julian Carron)

From "Page One" of Tracce - Litterae Communionis , March 2016 It is obvious to everyone that we are in a time of great changes and that is not easy to navigate in the current cultural context. We are facing a great turning point  that requires patience and time to understand, without thinking that we can solve problems by just discussing them. The pages that follow are intended to contribute to the journey of each and every person, for a dialogue amongst us. [full text]

How to read? Why live? (3/16/16)

Reference text: L. Giussani , “The Three Constituent Factors,” in   Why the Church? , McGillQueen’s, 2001, pp. 87–95. Notes from School of Community with Julián Carrón

Traditional Rights and Founding Values

"We are not living an era of change but a change of era" (Pope Francis). A judgment on a historical circumstance of the Italian social scenario, relevant to other countries' human condition. [continue full text]

A New Gaze on Others: Christmas for Believers

Julian Carron writes to the editor of the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera . A New Gaze on Others Christmas for believers: acts of human kindness that move hearts. [full text]

Notre Dame Conference "The Truth Will Set You Free"

The transcript       [read full text]

SPECIAL: Beauty and Freedom Are What the World Needs for a New Beginning

A ZENIT Interview with Fr. Julián Carrón Complete Text