
Showing posts with the label Lent

Here and Now with Francis: 2/26/18 (lent, transfiguration, mystery, Christ)

From the Angelus Turn in prayer to the Virgin Mary . . . to continue the Lenten journey with faith and generosity. The Transfiguration helps the disciples, and also us, to understand that Christ’s Passion is a mystery of suffering, but it’s especially a gift of infinite love on Jesus’ part. The event of Jesus, who is transfigured on the mountain, makes us also understand better His Resurrection. To understand the mystery of the cross it’s necessary to know in anticipation that He that that suffers and is glorified is not only a man but the Son of God, who has saved us, with His faithful love to death.   [link]

Spiritual Exercises with Francis (Lent 2016)

Ermes Ronchi: The Pope's 2016 Lenten Retreat Master The Church must not shine the spotlight on herself but instead on Christ, and She still has some work to do in this regard. Christ is not giving lessons or suggesting replies based on what other people say about Him, but rather urges His Apostles to look into their own hearts.  Think of the beauty of a Church that does not shine the spotlight on herself but instead on Christ... [link] Some people are so hungry that for them God cannot but have the form of a loaf of bread. Life – he said – begins with hunger; to be alive is to be hungry. And if you take that a step further one must consider the hunger of millions of people in the world: the siege of the poor, millions of outstretched hands asking for something to eat does not – he said –  ask for a religious definition. How does the Church respond? Jesus has a very practical approach when he tells the disciples to sum up what they have in hand. He said that all ...

Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent

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