
Showing posts with the label Maria Montessori

Books sorted (Maria Montessori and M. Scott Peck)

The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori The Child in the Family by Maria Montessori Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work by E. M. Standing  The People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck The Different Drum by M. Scott Peck  Denial of the Soul by M. Scott Peck  The Road Less Traveled M. Scott Peck

Library booklist (L:pLB4)

Lord Acton and His Times by David Matthew The Gates of November by Chaim Potok Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work by E. M. Standing  Hermit of Peking: Hidden Life of Sir Edmund Backhouse by Hugh Trevor-Roper  The Soul of a Lion by Alice von Hildebrand  Witness to Hope: Biography of John Paul II by George Weigel  St. Aloysius Gonzaga  The Noble Traveller: The Life and Writings of O. V. Milosz  

Library booklist (L:nLB4)

The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori The Child in the Family by Maria Montessori The Different Drum by M. Scott Peck  Genetics of Psychopathology by David Rosenthal  The Psychiatric Interview by Harry Stack Sullivan  The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz  Foundations for Personality Study by Adrian van Kaam  The Inner World of Childhood by Frances Wickes