
Showing posts with the label Matthew

Here and Now with Francis 9/21/17 (Christ, Matthew, Caravaggio, mercy, sinner)

This is the first condition of salvation: feeling oneself in danger. It is the first condition of healing: feeling sick. Feeling sinful is the first condition of receiving this gaze of mercy. Christ looks at him, and says, “Follow me. And Matthew got up and followed him, as the Gospel tells us today.  Recalling Caravaggio’s famous depiction of the scene, Pope Francis spoke of Matthew’s “sidelong look” with one eye on Our Savior and the other on his purse: a look that was even stand-offish, if not outright aggressive.   Then, there was the merciful gaze of Jesus, which communicated such overwhelming love that the resistance of the man who wanted the money, “fails”: Matthew got up and followed Him.   But let us think of the look of Jesus, so beautiful, so good, so merciful. And we, too, when we pray, we feel this look upon us; it is the look of love, the gaze of mercy, the gaze that saves us. Do not be afraid. The door to meet Jesus is recognizing oursel...

Books sorted (biography 8)

And So It Goes: Kurt Vonnegut: A Life by Charles Shields Pius XII: The World's Shepherd by Louis de Wohl Lord Acton and His Times by David Matthew Hermit of Peking: Hidden Life of Sir Edmund Backhouse by Hugh Trevor-Roper  St. Aloysius Gonzaga  The Noble Traveller: The Life and Writings of O. V. Milosz   The Manzoni Family by Natalia Ginzburg