
Showing posts with the label Mircea Eliade

Eliade on Writing Novel (Conceptual, Thematic Technique) Experience

Eliade: That same year I also published an almost Joycean novel, called The Light That Failed. That same title as one of Kipling's books. Was that intentional? Eliade: Yes, because of a certain similarity between the two central characters. I've tried to reread the book several times since — impossible, I can't understand a word of it! I had been very impressed by an excerpt from Finnegans Wake , published under the title "Anna Livia Plurabelle," and I employed the stream-of-consciousness technique of Ulysses — for the first time in Romania, I believe. It was wholly unsuccessful. Even the critics didn't know what to make of it. It was totally unreadable. This influence Joyce had on you, and the taste for the word as such that it presupposes, does surprise me, rather. It seems to me that up until then you had been more inclined to treat language as simply a means to an end. Were you writing poetry at this time? In a sense yes, But I ought to ...

Books sorted (philosophy: Josef Pieper and Mircea Elidae)

No Souvenirs: Journal 1957-1969 Mircea Eliade Autbiography I Mircea Eliade Autbiography II Mircea Eliade Faith Hope Love by Josef Pieper Leisure the Basis of Culture by Josef Pieper  Bengal Nights by Mircea Eliade The Sacred and the Profane by Mircea Eliade   A History of Religious Ideas 1 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 2 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 3 Mircea Eliade The Myth of the Eternal Return Mircea Eliade Ordeal by Labyrinth Mircea Eliade Myth and Reality Mircea Eliade Imagination and Meaning Mircea Eliade  

Library booklist (H:bN1)

The New York Trilogy Paul Auster Louisa May Alcott Susan Cheever The Doctors Mayo Helen Clapesattle The Drama of Atheist Humanism Henri de Lubac The Paradoxes of the Faith Henri de Lubac The Motherhood of the Church Henri de Lubac An American Childhood Annie Dillard Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser A History of Religious Ideas 1 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 2 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 3 Mircea Eliade The Myth of the Eternal Return Mircea Eliade Ordeal by Labyrinth Mircea Eliade Myth and Reality Mircea Eliade Imagination and Meaning Mircea Eliade Handel's Messiah and His English Oratories Ben Finane Hiroshima John Hersey Washington Square Henry James

Tweet 5/26/16

For several months now I’ve had a copy of Nietzsche’s The Will to Power (unabridged edition), but I haven’t succeeded in reading it through. Along with astonishing fragments, dozens of hodgepodge sentences, dreadfully mediocre. All that he writes about (or rather against) religion, Christianity, Buddhism, is external, badly informed, feeble; it’s as though I’m reading a commonplace atheist. The theoretical level is that of a Socialist of 1880. I am amazed at Nietzsche’s capacity to resist symbol, myth, mystery. The genius sees nothing in religion other than what his contemporaries could see—men whom he, with good reason, despised. — Mircea Eliade

Library booklist (H:gR)

No Souvenirs: Journal 1957-1969 Mircea Eliade Autbiography I Mircea Eliade Autbiography II Mircea Eliade Moscow and Beyond Andrei Sakharov Walker Percy: A Life Patrick Samway The Correspondence of Shelby Foote and Walker Percy Jay Tolson           Francis: Pope of a New World Andrea Tornielli R.V.W.: A Biography of Ralph Vaughan Williams Ursula Vaughan Williams