Book of the Moment: If I Live to Be 100 by Neenah Ellis

If I Live to be 100 Neenah Ellis Excerpt from chapter 3 "Mona Breckner: 'I Tried to Do My Part'" Now her many nieces and nephews and their many children look in on her regularly, celebrate holidays with her, call her on the phone. "They're my family now and they're very, very precious to me," she says seriously. "One niece feels as if I were her mother. We're very close." She is around young families enough to have a strong opinion about what's wrong with the American family today. "I think that women are not taking responsibility for family life as my parents did. My mother had a great deal of influence on my life, and I never could thank her enough for the feeling that she raised me with —the sharing feelings that I have about everybody. I think there's something lacking today. I think it's partly because the mother's attention has been pulled aside by the suffrage deal and the...