
Showing posts with the label Patrick Madrid

Books sorted (life, vocation, love, prayer 2)

Turning by Emilie Griffin  Directions for Communication by Willi Lambert  A Marian Retreat by Bernard Lefrois   Listening With the Heart by Taize The Way, Furrow, Forge by Josemaria Escriva Men of God: Men for Others by Peter Kolvenbach Surprised by Truth by Patrick Madrid The Breath of Love by Michel Quoist

Library booklist (L:hLB4)

True Devotion to the Holy Spirit by Luis Martinez Christ's Appeal for Love by Josefa Menendez God is a New Language by Sebastian Moore Catholics and the New Age by Mitch Pacwa Filipino Cultural Values for the Apostolate by Wilfredo Paguio Our Lady in Catholic Life by Lawrence Lovasik Surprised by Truth by Patrick Madrid The Spirit Broods Over the World by George Maloney Blessed are the Barren by Robert Marshall