
Showing posts with the label Paul Auster

Library booklist (H:bN1)

The New York Trilogy Paul Auster Louisa May Alcott Susan Cheever The Doctors Mayo Helen Clapesattle The Drama of Atheist Humanism Henri de Lubac The Paradoxes of the Faith Henri de Lubac The Motherhood of the Church Henri de Lubac An American Childhood Annie Dillard Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser A History of Religious Ideas 1 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 2 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 3 Mircea Eliade The Myth of the Eternal Return Mircea Eliade Ordeal by Labyrinth Mircea Eliade Myth and Reality Mircea Eliade Imagination and Meaning Mircea Eliade Handel's Messiah and His English Oratories Ben Finane Hiroshima John Hersey Washington Square Henry James

Books sorted (literature: novel 7)

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes  Barabbas by Par Lagerkvist   Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann Death in Venice by Thomas Mann  Bread and Wine by Ignazio Silone The Long Way Back by Fuad al-Takari Danny Gospel by Danny Athey  Man in the Dark by Paul Auster  Another Country by James Baldwin  The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins  Gleanings in Europe The Rhine by James Fenimore Cooper 

Books sorted (autobiography, memoirs 5)

Part of a Journey by Philip Toynbee   Lenten Lands by Douglas Gresham Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes Hand to Mouth by Paul Auster Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer Are You Somebody? by Nuala O'Faolain Itinerary: an Intellectual Journey by Octavio Paz A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken   Isaac Stern: My First 79 Years by Isaac Stern with Chaim Potok

Library Booklist (H:iB1)

The Long Way Back by Fuad al-Takari Danny Gospel by Danny Athey  Man in the Dark by Paul Auster  Another Country by Charles Baldwin  Nathan Coulter by Wendell Berry  Flight by Linda Bierds  The Springs of Affection by Maeve Brennan  

Library Booklist (H:bS3b)

Hand to Mouth by Paul Auster Anthony Powell: A Life by Michael Barber Charles Dickens by G. K. Chesterton gratis Wiseblood Books The Letters of James and Alix Strachey 1924-1925 ed Perry Meisel and Walter Kendrick My Name Escapes Me by Alec Guinness Surprised by Joy: the Shape of My Early Years by C. S. Lewis Apologia Pro Vita Sua by John Henry Newman gratis Juan Velez