
Showing posts with the label Pavel Florensky

Library booklist (H:eN1)

Notebooks, 1935-1942 (Volume 1) Albert Camus Notebooks, 1942-1951 (Volume 2) Albert Camus  Notebooks, 1951-1959 (Volume 3) Albert Camus  Neither Victims nor Executioners: An Ethic Superior to Murder Albert Camus Loving the Church Raniero Cantalamessa  The World Beyond Your Head Matthew Crawford  If I Live to be 100 Neenah Ellis  Interview with History Oriana Fallaci  The Rage and the Pride Oriana Fallaci  Zibaldone Giacomo Leopadri  The Sound and the Story Thomas Looker  Putnam Camp: Sigmund Freud and James Putnam an the Purpose of American Psychology George Prochnik  Pavel Florensky: A Quiet Genius Avril Pyman  The Waverley Novels: The Betrothed Sir Walter Scott  Consilience Edward Wilson    Flying Visits Clive James

Books sorted (Robert Slesinski)

Pavel Florensky: A Metaphysics of Love by Robert Slesinski   Essays in Diakonia by Robert Slesinski   The Holy Transfiguration by Robert Slesinski   The Holy Encounter by Robert Slesinski   The Holy Pentekostarion by Robert Slesinski   The Holy Theophany by Robert Slesinski   A Primer on Church and Eucharist by Robert Slesinski gratis Fr. Robert Slesinksi 

Library Booklist (H:fS2f)

Dostoevsky: A Writer in His time by Joseph Frank A Mind's Matter by Stanley Jaki Rebellious Prophet: A Life of Nicolai Berdyaev by Donald Lowrie Benedict of Bavaria by Brennan Pursell  Pavel Florensky: A Metaphysics of Love by Robert Slesinski