
Showing posts with the label Raymond Brown

Books sorted (biblical 1)

Simon, Called Peter by Mauro Lepori Commentary on the Inscriptions of the Psalms by Gregory of Nyssa   From Glory to Glory by Gregory of Nyssa Perseverance in Trials by Carlo Maria Martini Isaiah in Talmud and Midrash Part A by Jacob Neusner  The Joy of the Gospel by Carlo Maria Martini   The Gospel and Epistle of John by Raymond Brown  Recent Discoveries and the Biblical World by Raymond Brown The Community of the Beloved Disciple by Raymond Brown  The Churches the Apostles Left Behind by Raymond Brown 

Library booklist (L:dLB4)

Design for a Just Society by James Alberione The Last Things by James Alberione The Gift of God the Holy Spirit by Andrew Apostoli Christus Victor by Gustaf Aulen Spiritual Theology by Jordan Aumann The Devil by Corrado Balducci Person to Person by John Bonnici Recent Discoveries and the Biblical World by Raymond Brown Mary of Galilee I by Bertrand Buby Thomas Merton: Preview of the Asian Journey by Walter Capps

Library Booklist (L:aLB3)

A Spiritual Friendship Anonymous Christians in the Face of Injustice by Ricardo Antoncich  The Book of Miracles by Zsolt Aradi  A Doctor at Calvary by Pierre Barbet  The Noonday Devil by Bernard Basset  Frequent Confession by Benedict Baur  The Gospel and Epistle of John by Raymond Brown  The Community of the Beloved Disciple by Raymond Brown  The Churches the Apostles Left Behind by Raymond Brown  The Way to Freedom by Nicolas Caballero