
Showing posts with the label Stanley Hauerwas

All Soul's Day

A Cross-Shattered Church: Reclaiming the Theological Heart of Preaching by  Stanley Hauerwas We live in a death-denying world that seems determined to develop technologies that will enable us to get out of life alive. Yet the more we strive to be free of death the more our lives are shaped by the death-determined means we create to try to free ourselves of death. Even more paradoxical, the means we use to free ourselves from death only serve to increase our isolation from one another. We fear the loneliness we think death entails, but it turns out that the loneliness we fear death entails is the expression of the loneliness made unavoidable by our attempts to avoid death. Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead. But Lazarus is still to die. We are still to die. Jesus, by contrast, has been raised never again to die. His death makes possible a communion that overwhelms the loneliness our sin creates. ... That feast we call Eucharist, for in eating it we are made “living member...

Books sorted (theology 1)

The Friend and the Bridegroom by Sergius Bulgakov Christ the Conqueror of Hell by Hilarion Alfeyev Ages of the Spiritual Life by Paul Evdokimov   Meditations by Anthony Bloom War, Progress, and the End of History by Vladimir Solovyov Augustine on Prayer by Thomas Hand     The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and Love by Augustine The Way of Perfection by Teresa of Avila   The Christian State of Life by Adrienne von Speyr   If Augustine Were Alive by Theodore Tack An Augustine Reader With the Grain of the Universe by Stanley Hauerwas  

Library Booklist (L:bLB1)

Commentary on the Inscriptions of the Psalms by Gregory of Nyssa   The Lord by Romano Guardini   Jesus Christus by Romano Guardini Living the Drama of Faith by Romano Guardini   The Word of God by Romano Guardini   Prayers from Theology by Romano Guardini   Augustine on Prayer by Thomas Hand   With the Grain of the Universe by Stanley Hauerwas Memory and Identity by John Paul II    Crossing the Threshold of Hope by John Paul II   The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis   Newman and the Fullness of Christianity by Ian Ker   Newman the Theologian by Ian Ker Church, Ecumenism, and Politics by Joseph Ratzinger Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures by Joseph Ratzinger       God Is Near Us by Joseph Ratzinger   To Look on Christ by Joseph Ratzinger   Many Religions - One Cov...