
Showing posts with the label Stephen Duffy

Books sorted (theology 4)

Accept This Offering by Kenneth Stevenson   Vatican Council II  Vatican Council II vol 2   Mission and Evangelization by Michael Hayes The Gift of God the Holy Spirit by Andrew Apostoli Christus Victor by Gustaf Aulen Spiritual Theology by Jordan Aumann The Devil by Corrado Balducci Inquiring Faith by Tadeusz Dajczer The Graced Horizon by Stephen Duffy Church and Social Communication by Franz-Josef Eilers What is Liberalism? by Felix Sarda Salvany 

Library booklist (L:eLB4)

Treasury of Women Saints by Ronda Chervin Great Saints, Great Friends by Ronda Chervin Inquiring Faith by Tadeusz Dajczer The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ by Alphonsus De Liguori Preparation for Death by Alphonsus de Liguori The Secret of Rosary by Louis de Montfort The Graced Horizon by Stephen Duffy Models of the Church by Avery Dulles Church and Social Communication by Franz-Josef Eilers The Way, Furrow, Forge by Josemaria Escriva