
Showing posts with the label Traces magazine

Traces Magazine, May 2020

from What We Are Learning: Our Silent World Letters by witnesses “ Life Changes ” : a conversation with Italian author Maurizio Maggiani “ The Renewal of My Humanity ” : Giorgio Vittadini reflects on the temptation to cling to all sorts of  “ have to be ’ s ” “ In the Right Place ” : cardiologist Francesco Rotatori talks about what is happening in New York “ A Continuous  ‘ Here I Am ’ ” : monk Sergio Massalongo on  his experience of “our yes to Christ is, before all else,  our contribution to the salvation of every man and woman today.” “The Touch of the Mystery ” by Luigi Giussani

Inside Forgiveness

The Root of Forgiveness In secular society, forgiveness, like hope, is doomed to fail without a foundation in Christ, the origin of the love which is the only truth that can uphold such an ideal by lorenzo albacete Recently, I was watching the movie  Gladiator  with Russell Crowe on the movie classic channel, and I was struck by how the highest ideals were pursued by the most shocking cruelty without anyone noticing the incompatibility between the two. I thought how this was the dominant culture when the first Christians arrived in Rome and the great cities of the Empire. These first Christians did not seek protection from this culture. Instead, by engaging with it at all of its levels, they humanized it, inserting into it their experience of the dignity of the person, the greatness of reason, and the possibility of mercy and forgiveness. This happened not as the result of political strategies, but as a fruit of their efforts to respond to their encounter with Christ...

Traces Magazine, February 2018


Traces magazine online (Vol. 18 N. 7)

July 2016 Issue Contents Editorial “Here, Where We Are” Letters Edited by Paola Bergamini Close up Rimini Meeting “Another Good” by Paola Bergamini Giorgio Buccellati “The Surprise of a ‘You’” by Luca Fiore Orlando  Carter Snead “A Joy that Takes on Flesh” by L. Fiore Europe Europe  “Brexit, Lack of Self-Confidence” by Luca Fiore The flyer “And Now?” CL Life China  “I Feel at Home” by Paola Bergamini Review Book of the month “The Language of the Church” by L. Doninelli

Traces magazine online (Vol. 18 N. 4)

April 2016 Issue Contents Editorial A Boundless Question Letters Edited by Paola Bergamini Close up Latin America The Revolution by Alessandra Stoppa Time to Learn by Alessandra Stoppa Belgium Brussels The Moment After by Luca Fiore Only Mercy Is the True Reaction to Evil by Julián Carrón Witnesses Syria Return to Damascus by Luca Fiore Year of Mercy Witnesses The Happy Life of Jean by Maurizio Vitali

An Original Presence (Notes from a meeting with Julian Carron)

From "Page One" of Tracce - Litterae Communionis , March 2016 It is obvious to everyone that we are in a time of great changes and that is not easy to navigate in the current cultural context. We are facing a great turning point  that requires patience and time to understand, without thinking that we can solve problems by just discussing them. The pages that follow are intended to contribute to the journey of each and every person, for a dialogue amongst us. [full text]

Traces magazine online (Vol. 18 N. 3)

March 2016 Issue

Traces magazine online (Vol. 18 N. 2)

February 2016 Issue

Traces magazine online (Vol. 18 N. 1)

January 2016 Issue

Traces magazine online (Vol. 17 N. 11)

December 2015 Issue

Traces magazine online (Vol. 17 N. 10)

“[A] window into the discovery of the full depth of our human experience.” November 2015