
Showing posts with the label VFA

Opinion 12/4/15 (Philippines, presidential elections, Duterte, VFA, justice)

Inquirer  about VFA and justice system A pity we don’t protect our own as zealously as the Americans protect their soldiers. The issue is that a crime was proven beyond reasonable doubt to have been  committed against a Filipino citizen, in her own country. Conviction should carry the penalty that would have been meted out to a Filipino; the convicted should  suffer the same sanctions as Filipinos convicted of the same crime would suffer, regardless of “the conditions inside Bilibid.” [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  on Duterte and presidency THE candidacy for president of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and the subsequent controversy he whipped up over his supposed cursing of Pope Francis during a  traffic gridlock caused by his visit to the Philippines in January seems to have put a different spin to the current electoral discourse. The question on what kind of  president the country needs at this stage has been put to the fore. Duterte, after all,...