
Showing posts with the label Vatican II

Books sorted (theology 4)

Accept This Offering by Kenneth Stevenson   Vatican Council II  Vatican Council II vol 2   Mission and Evangelization by Michael Hayes The Gift of God the Holy Spirit by Andrew Apostoli Christus Victor by Gustaf Aulen Spiritual Theology by Jordan Aumann The Devil by Corrado Balducci Inquiring Faith by Tadeusz Dajczer The Graced Horizon by Stephen Duffy Church and Social Communication by Franz-Josef Eilers What is Liberalism? by Felix Sarda Salvany 

Books sorted (history 7)

When a Pope Asks Forgiveness by Luigi Accattoli  What Went Wrong With Vatican II by Ralph McInerny History of the Church in the Philippines (1521-1898) by Pablo Fernandez The Church in an Age of Revolution by Alec Vidler  The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright The Ancient City by Fustel de Coulanges  The Great Siege by Ernie Bradford

Here and Now with Francis 12/9/15 (Mary, Church, Christ, encounter, mercy, love, Vatican II)

From the homily of Immaculate Conception, opening of Holy Door When Gabriel entered her home, even the most profound and impenetrable of mysteries became for her [Mary] a cause for joy, faith and abandonment to the message  revealed to her. The fullness of grace can transform the human heart and enable it to do something so great as to change the course of human history. [...] The feast of the Immaculate Conception expresses the grandeur of God’s love. Not only does he forgive sin, but in Mary he even averts the original sin present in  every man and woman who comes into this world. This is the love of God which precedes, anticipates and saves. [...] This [Extraordinary Holy Year] will be a year in which we grow ever more convinced of God’s mercy. How much wrong we do to God and his grace when we speak of sins  being punished by his judgment before we speak of their being forgiven by his mercy (cf. Saint Augustine, De Praedestinatione Sanctorum , 12, 24)! But that is...

Library Booklist (L:fLB3)

Psychic Wholeness and Healing by Anna Terruwe and Conrad Baars God-Talk in America by Phyllis Tickle  The Adventure of Living by Paul Tournier  To Understand Each Other by Paul Tournier  I Love You/I Hate You by Carlos Valles  The Search for Human Values by Cornelius Van der Poel   Image Guidance and Healing by Elizabeth-Anne Vanek   The Need for Contemplation by Rene Voillaume  Christian Life Patterns by Evelyn Whitehead   Finding the Mystic Within You by Peggy Wilkinson   Pardon and Peace by Alfred Wilson A Poor Man's Proof for the Existence of God by John Constantino  The Secular City Debate  Vatican Council II  Vatican Council II vol 2  

Library Booklist (L:csu1)

Bruckner and Mahler Cambridge Companion to Bob Dylan Secrets of the Old One by Jeremy Bernstein Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas The Life of Graham Greene 2 by Norman Sherry Pius XII: The World's Shepherd by Louis de Wohl American Bishop at the Vatican Council by Robert Tracy Vladimir Soloviev: Russian Mystic by Paul Allen The Man Who Sold the Milky Way by David Levy

Library Booklist (H:cS3f)

A  Generative Thought: Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani ed. Elisa Buzzi gratis CL Together on the Road by Massimo Camisasca gratis CL At the Service of the Church by Henri de Lubac gratis Joseph Fessio Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 1, Faith by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 2, Hope by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 3, Charity by Luigi Giussani gratis CL The Journey to Truth Is an Experience by Luigi Giussani gratis CL Why the Church? by Luigi Giussani gratis Ambrogio