
Showing posts with the label affection

#gabitaykoRefEd (Robert Spaemann)

From the possibility of doubting everything, it does not follow that it would be good to do that. The necessity of positing the reality of the living is not a theoretical compulsion but is itself a kind of moral evidence. Whoever loves a human, whoever has friends, cannot at the same time doubt the beloved's or the friend's existence. That person must hold the other's being alive as irreducible. And when I say one cannot doubt, I do not mean a physical or logical impossibility, but a moral and,  therefore,  absolute impossibility. Insofar as I doubt his reality, I do not merely bracket somewhat the reality of the friendship; rather, I destroy it. Friendship does not allow for an ontological abstinence, for an epoche . It implies an ontological affirmation. In the case of friendship, this affirmation is not a postulate but a necessary implication. But there, where the relationship to the other does not have the intensity of friendship but is defined by the claim of each to...

Man, Marriage, (post?)Modernity-plus!, Movies, Austen

About The Lobster and Love and Friendship

Library Booklist (L:aSub)

Religions for Peace by Francis Arinze Creative Love by John Boyle     Covenanted Happiness by Cormac Burke   Life in Christ by Raniero Cantalamessa   The Foot of the Cross by Faber   Bethlehem by Faber   Creator and Creature by Faber   Live the Truth by Furton   Stumbling Blocks, Stepping Stones by Benedict Groeschel

Library Booklist (H:hS3f)

The Journals of Alexander Schmemann The Nuptial Mystery by Angelo Scola Happiness and Benevolence by Robert Spaemann gratis Jeremiah Alberg Bernanos: An Ecclesial Existence by Hans Urs von Balthasar gratis W.T. Dickens The Christian and Anxiety by Hans Urs von Balthasar