Here and Now with Francis 5/24/16 (Christ, joy, hope, encounter, amazement, revelation, Christianity)
No Christian can exist without joy. Christians live in joy and amazement because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. From the homily "A Christian is a man, or a woman, of joy: a man and a woman with joy in their heart. There is no Christian without joy!” You may be told that there are many such Christians, the Pope warned, but “they are not Christians! They say they are, but they are not! They are missing something.” “The Christian identity card is joy, the Gospel’s joy, the joy of having been chosen by Jesus, saved by Jesus, regenerated by Jesus; the joy of that hope that Jesus is waiting for us, the joy that - even with the crosses and sufferings we bear in this life - is expressed in another way, which is peace in the certainty that Jesus accompanies us, is with us. " "The Christian,” he added, “grows in joy through trusting in God. God always remembers his covenant." And in turn, "the Christian knows that God remembers him, that God loves him , ...