
Showing posts with the label banking

Editorial 3/21/16 (banking, Philippines, money laundering, earth, protection, peace, Syria, RCBC)

Philippine Star  "Bank secrecy" Senators reportedly want to “dig deeper” into the money laundering scandal involving several casinos and a bank. Congressmen, apparently hit by publicity envy, have  announced plans to conduct their own probe. The congressional inquiries, ostensibly in aid of legislation, could be stretched all the way to election day.  With just three months left before incumbent officials finish their terms, can any piece of legislation even be proposed in connection with this probe? One measure  needed to prevent a repeat of the scandal has been sought by authorities since the Anti-Money Laundering Act was passed in 2001: an easing of bank secrecy laws,  which are among the toughest in the world. But every Congress has brushed aside the proposal. Will the ongoing probe make a difference?   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  "Vote Earth" Launched by the World Wide Fund for Nature in 2007, the Earth Hour began as a “lights-off” event in Sy...

Books sorted (history 1)

No Bells to Toll by Barbara Bode   The Alps by Andrew Beattie The Atomic Bazaar by William Langewiesche   The Fall of the House of Credit by Alistaire Milne   The Unwinding: An Inner History of New America by George Packer   Human Smoke: Beginning of World War II by Nicholson Baker  

Library Booklist (H:bSb)

The Fall of the House of Credit by Alistaire Milne   The Unwinding: An Inner History of New America by George Packer   Human Smoke: Beginning of World War II by Nicholson Baker   The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright   The Nudist on the Late Shift by Po Bronson   The Ascent of Money: Financial History of World by Niall Ferguson   Shopping in Space: Essays by Elizabeth Young