
Showing posts with the label book

Free Book. "The Radiance in Your Eyes: What Saves Us From Nothingness?"

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Book of the Moment: If I Live to Be 100 by Neenah Ellis

If I Live to be 100 Neenah Ellis  Excerpt from chapter 3 "Mona Breckner: 'I Tried to Do My Part'" Now her many nieces and nephews and their many children look in on her regularly, celebrate holidays with her, call her on the phone.      "They're my family now and they're very, very precious to me," she says seriously. "One niece feels as if I were her mother. We're very close."      She is around young families enough to have a strong opinion about what's wrong with the American family today.      "I think that women are not taking responsibility for family life as my parents did. My mother had a great deal of influence on my life, and I never could thank her enough for the feeling that she raised me with —the sharing feelings that I have about everybody. I think there's something lacking today. I think it's partly because the mother's attention has been pulled aside by the suffrage deal and the...

Roberto Benigni presented new book of Pope Francis

Image reports  Actor Roberto Benigni steals the show at pope’s book launch From the moment he entered the auditorium, Benigni had everyone laughing by posing with the book, “The Name of God is Mercy,” as if it were a prize he’d longed for his entire life, and then launching into an impromptu comedy set. “The Vatican is the world’s smallest state, but has the biggest man living there,” he said. “When they called me for this, they started, ‘Pope Francis wants you.’ I said yes,” he continued. “I would do anything for Pope Francis: Swiss guard, Pope-mobile driver, anything!” “When I was a boy, when people asked what I wanted to be when growing up, I’d always answer ‘pope’,” he said. “Since everyone laughed at me, I understood I had to be a comedian.” Speaking about the pope’s message of mercy, the actor said that “mercy doesn’t sit in an easy chair; it’s active, always moving, like the pope,” who, according to him, is the live representation of the book, por...

New Pope Francis Book on Mercy

© 2016 La Stampa [link] From a new book,  The Name of God Is Mercy: A Conversation with Andrea Tornielli by Pope Francis. To follow the way of the Lord, the Church is called on to dispense its mercy over all those who recognise themselves as sinners, who assume responsibility for the evil they have committed, and who feel in need of forgiveness. The Church does not exist to condemn people, but to bring about an encounter with the visceral love of God’s mercy. [read more]

Library Booklist (L:oLB3)

Music and Imagination by Aaron Copland What to Listen for in Music by Aaron Copland  An Invitation to the Opera by John Louis DiGaetani  Antaeus on Music ed Daniel Halpern  Mozart and His Piano Concertos by Cuthbert Girdlestone  Literature and the American Tradition by Leon Howard  Jane Austen and Religion by William Jarvis  Music from the Road by Tim Page  Guide to Cigars by Jane Resnick