
Showing posts with the label brain

Books sorted (science and scientists 2)

The Electron by Robert Andrews Millikan What Darwin Got Wrong by Jerry Fodor Prize Fight by Morton Meyers   Genes, Dreams, and Realities by Burnet Maclarlane  pe Darwin and the Modern View by John Greene  Fifty Years of Genetic Load: An Odyssey by Bruce Wallace Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo  The Firmament of Time by Loren Eisley The Creative Process ed by Brewster Ghiselin 

Library Booklist (H:eS2f)

The Word Made Love: The Dialogical Theology of Joseph Ratzinger by Christopher S. Collins The Jews, Views, and Counterviews by Jean Danielou and Andre Chouraqui Creation and Scientific Activity: A Study in the Thought of S. L. Jaki by Paul Haffner The Relevance of Physics by Stanley Jaki Brain, Mind, and Computer by Stanley Jaki God and the Sun at Fatima by Stanley Jaki   Patterns or Principles and Other Essays by Stanley Jaki