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Editorial 5/6/16 (Philippines, money laundering, elections, president, character, public service, Duterte, politics)

Philippine Star  "Give them back their money" “We don’t have too much money,” Ambassador John Gomes said, as he pointed out that $81 million “is a huge amount of money for a country like Bangladesh.”  The envoy made the comment as he expressed hope that the $81 million stolen by hackers from the Bangladesh central bank’s account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New  York and laundered through Philippine casinos and the banking system would be returned to his country before the end of President Aquino’s term.  That looks like a tall order for the chronically inefficient Philippine judiciary, which must first conclude with finality the forfeiture proceedings initiated by  the Anti-Money Laundering Council or AMLC to recover the amount. Gomes has noted that the casinos have already profited from the stolen funds. Returning the money to  its rightful owner, unfortunately for Bangladesh, is not as simple as it appears in the Philippines.   [full text] Sun....