Philippine Star In the Philippines, the communist New People’s Army has been reduced to armed extortion. It has aggravated poverty in the countryside by scaring away investments in areas where jobs and livelihood opportunities are most needed. The NPA has become a public pestilence in the areas where it has destroyed power transmission and telecommunications towers. Its leaders, who refuse to go home for fear not only of state forces but also of their own comrades, have sought refuge in one of the world’s most liberal nations. [full text] Sun.Star Cebu [That's] where the hypocrisy of OsmeƱa's statement surfaces. He claims to “care” about the City's credit record and yet he is widely believed to be behind the decision of the BOPK councilors to sit on SB 1, using as reason the case filed by lawyer Romulo Torres questioning the legality of the recent sale of SRP lots, part of whose proceeds the mayor wants to use to fund SB 1. ...