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Editorial 3/23/16 (water, employment, Philippines, elections, politics, military, divorce,)

Philippine Star  "Water and jobs" Think about it: if people in underdeveloped communities do not have to trek for several hours just to get water for their households, they could instead spend those hours learning livelihood skills or, for children, in getting formal education.  The United Nations estimates that about 1.5 billion people work in sectors where water plays an important role, including fisheries, farming, manufacturing and energy generation. Their work, earnings and quality of life could be improved with the efficient delivery of clean water.  As World Water Day is marked on March 22, the UN is focusing on the links between water and jobs, and consequently to poverty alleviation. Adequate supply of clean water is also indispensable in public health and sanitation. This is important in developing countries such as the Philippines where millions of households still lack piped water and modern toilets.   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  "Crucial swing vot...