
Showing posts with the label education

Here and Now with Francis 11/9/17 (Eucharist, meaning, education, life)

To turn to the fundamentals, to rediscover what is essential, through what one touches and sees in the celebration of the Sacraments. To rediscover, together with you, the beauty that is hidden in the Eucharistic Celebration and that, once revealed, gives full meaning to each one’s life. The Eucharist is a wonderful event in which Jesus Christ, our life, makes Himself present. The Lord is present there with us. We go there so often, we look at things, we chat among ourselves while the priest is celebrating the Eucharist  . . . and we don’t celebrate close to Him. But it’s the Lord! If the President of the Republic came here today or a very important person of the world, it’s certain that we would all be close to him, that we would want to greet him. But think: when you go to Mass, the Lord is there! And you are distracted. It’s the Lord!  We must give thought to this. “Father, it’s because the Masses are boring” – “But, what are you saying, that the Lord is boring?”...

Humanum: Issues in Family, Culture & Science (Spring 2013)

Humanum : Issues in Family, Culture & Science Spring 2013 - A Mother's Work Contents EDITORIAL Stratford Caldecott: Editorial: A Mother's Work FEATURE ARTICLES Margaret Harper McCarthy: A Mother's Work Is Never Done! Mary Eberstadt: The Real Trouble with Day Care WITNESS Nicky Rowdon: Witness: Motherhood – All Is Grace BOOK REVIEWS Micheala Van Versendaal: Modern Woman Crittenden, Danielle, What Our Mothers Didn’t Tell Us: Why Happiness Eludes the Modern Woman (Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 1999, 191 pages). Carla Galdo: The Mother’s Mission Clarkson, Sally, The Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child’s Heart for Eternity (Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press, 2004, 224 pages). Stephen McGinley: Most Important Job in the World Crittenden, Ann, The Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important Job in the World is Still the Least Valued (Picador, 2010, 322 pages). Catherine Sienkiewicz: Ru...

Books sorted (Maria Montessori and M. Scott Peck)

The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori The Child in the Family by Maria Montessori Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work by E. M. Standing  The People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck The Different Drum by M. Scott Peck  Denial of the Soul by M. Scott Peck  The Road Less Traveled M. Scott Peck

Opinion 2/19/16 (Philippines, LGBT, homosexuality, Pacquiao, education, public health, sanitation)

Philippine Star As the LGBTs vehemently attacked him and committed to campaign against him, Pacquiao seemed to have acquired more and more admirers   (voters) as he stood his ground  and remained firm on his belief after clarifying what he said and apologizing. Other candidates for senator must really be coveting at his good fortune of catching  public attention and generating more votes without spending a single centavo while they spent millions of pesos for their political ads.  The LGBTs should therefore stop their ranting and ravings as they only help the subject of their ire. Indeed there is no point at all in relentlessly attacking  Pacquiao.  [full text] Sun.Star Cebu's  Carvajal If leaders honestly want to fight poverty, providing the poor with essential empowering qualities to help themselves, namely, good health (of which clean drinking  water and sanitary toilets are basic) and good education (values formation and skills trainin...

Humanum: Issues in Family, Culture & Science (2015: Issue 4)

Humanum : Issues in Family, Culture & Science 2015 - Issue Four Google That! Education and Technology

Opinion 2/8/16 (Philippines, hygiene, sexuality, youth, education, election, politics)

Philippine Star  about hygiene and health in the Philippines It is one of the best indicators, a lawmaker said, that economic growth has not trickled down to the poor: over seven million Filipinos defecate in the open while 570,000 others use open-pit latrines, buckets and other “unimproved sanitation facilities.”  This is according to a report prepared by the World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund, released last year, which lawmakers are citing to push for improvements in the nation’s water and sanitation facilities.   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  on sexuality and the young and a law Also known as the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, or Republic Act (RA) 10354, the RH Law “guarantees universal access to different kinds of contraception, fertility control, sexual education and maternal care,” according to the Sun. Star Cebu report.  Despite the law, access to RH information remains a minefield. Many parties...

Here and Now with Francis 1/19/16 (vocation, work, education, solidarity, witness)

From an address It is true: work is a vocation, because it is born from a call that God has made to man from the beginning, to “till and keep” our common home (cf. Genesis 2:15). [...] How can we respond well to this vocation...? I would like to suggest three words to you, which can help you. The first is education. To educate means to “bring out.”... it is necessary to form a new “humanism of  work,” because we live in a time of exploitation of workers; in a time when work is not in fact at the service of the person’s dignity, but it is slave labor. We must  form, and educate to a new humanism of work, where man, not profit, is at the center; where the economy serves man and does not use man....To educate is a great  vocation: as Saint Joseph trained Jesus in the art of the carpenter, you are also called to help the young generations to discover the beauty of truly human work. [...] The second word that I would like to say to you is sharing. ....Work should unite pe...

Books sorted (by/on Luigi Giussani)

The Religious Sense by Luigi Giussani At the Origin of the Christian Claim by Luigi Giussani Why the Church? by Luigi Giussani The Risk of Education by Luigi Giussani Generating Traces in the History of the World by Luigi Giussani The Journey to Truth Is an Experience by Luigi Giussani A  Generative Thought: Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani ed. Elisa Buzzi Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 1 by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 2, Hope by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 3, Charity by Luigi Giussani The Work of the Movement: The Fraternity of Communion and Liberation

Library booklist (L:eLB5)

Teacher in America by Jacques Barzun Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy  The Book of Ages by J. F. Bierline The Rise and Fall of Athens by Plutarch  The Negro in the Making of America by Benjamin Quarles  Where the Wasteland Ends by Theodore Roszak  South: The Endurance Expedition by Ernest Shackleton  A Study of History 1 by Arnold Toynbee  The Liberal Imagination by Lionel Trilling  Ideas and Beliefs of the Victorians

Library booklist (L:nLB4)

The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori The Child in the Family by Maria Montessori The Different Drum by M. Scott Peck  Genetics of Psychopathology by David Rosenthal  The Psychiatric Interview by Harry Stack Sullivan  The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz  Foundations for Personality Study by Adrian van Kaam  The Inner World of Childhood by Frances Wickes  

Library booklist (L:aLB4)

Reforming Education Mortimer Adler A History of Philosophy 3 Frederick Copleston  The Mind and Heart of Love by Martin D'Arcy  Power Trips and Other Journeys by Jean Bethke Elshtain  Karol Wojtyla's Theory of Participation by Rolyn Francisco  Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo  Philosophy Today 3 by Gill  Human Love by Jean Guitton  Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes  For the Love of Wisdom by Chris John-Terry