
Showing posts with the label epistemology

Books sorted (Edith Stein and Hannah Arendt)

L:aLB2, H:aS3b -- L:gLB3, H:aS2f, H:aS3f, H:aS3b The Life of a Philosopher and Carmelite by Edith Stein Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities by St. Edith Stein gratis Marianne Sawicki Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt Responsibility and Judgment by Hannah Arendt The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt gratis Jerome Kohn The Life of the Mind by Hannah Arendt

Library Booklist (L:cSub)

The Closing of the American Mind by Anthony Bloom   What Darwin Got Wrong by Jerry Fodor   The Silent Language by Edward Hall   Imagining Boundaries by John Henderson   By Reason Alone by Bacz Jakez   Degrees of Knowledge by Jacques Maritain   Thinking through Technology by Carl Mitcham

Library Booklist (H:dS1b)

The Friend and the Bridegroom by Sergius Bulgakov What the Heavens Declare by Lydia Jaeger   Science and Creation by Stanley Jaki   Newman to Converts by Stanley Jaki The Road to Science and the Ways to God by Stanley Jaki Paul Ricoeur and Narrative by Morny Joy  Personal Knowledge by Michael Polanyi  Oneself as Another by Paul Ricoeur  The Course of Recognition by Paul Ricoeur 

Library Booklist (H:bS2f)

Whose Justice? Which Rationality? by Alasdair MacIntyre Modern Liberty and Its Discontent by Pierre Manent Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy by Pierre Manent Memory, History, and Forgetting by Paul Ricoeur Anamnesis by Eric Voegelin Autobiographical Reflections by Eric Voegelin Modernity Without Restraints: Collected Works 5 by Eric Voegelin What is History and Other Late Unpublished Writings: Collected Works 28 by Eric Voegelin Hitler and the Germans by Eric Voegelin